June 4, 2008

And So It Begins.....

Meet "Black Pineapple", one of the 62 heirloom tomato plants happily living in the Erica's Kitchen garden. I am in love with heirloom tomatoes, that is why I could not resist buying variety after variety of starts from my favorite heirloom tomato farmer Jay. There is something so primal, so empowering, so nuturing and loving and just plain wonderful, about growing your own food. Besides, what's more local than your own backyard?

June 3, 2008

There's Something Happening Here....

Well it's been a while but I'm glad to be back on the blog. There is much happening
all around in regards to the local food movement and I am ever so grateful to be a part of the vibration. From here on out, this blog will be a symbol of the awakening happening all around, a glimmer of the light that I wish to see in the world each and every day. Blessed Be and Eat Local, It Matters!